--Nature's Power Architecture
Introduced to Ben Hogan during development of "Perpendicular Interdependence" and later appearing in the Healthy Golf DVD Series,
DrDom's discovery of Hogan's Cube (1995) illuminates the Cubic Architecture rooted in our genetics at birth! --A breakthrough made possible via formal study of Ben Hogan and brilliant illustrations by Anthony Ravielli in the FIVE LESSONS.
As a practical model "4 Foundations & 2 Parallel Moves" emerge as the
"6 Essentials" needed to play golf at its highest levels of excellence!
Available to Teachers, Students & Researchers, Hogan's Cube Makes Visible The
3-D Laws That Govern & Unify Golf, All Sports, General Education & All Arts & Sciences.
See DrDom's DVD #1 -- Featured On Site: Hole # 10.
"CUBIC ARCHITECTURE" -- Shows Us The Swing... Teaches Us About Life!
Also See Mr. Hogan's Cubic "GOLF WINDOW" on our 13th Hole.
As an unexpected fruit of Healthy Golf Research, Hogan's Cube not only details the technical excellence in a golf swing but also offers a Universal Power Matrix of Life!
Water, Salt, Sugar, Carbon, DNA and all forms of Energy studied to date are
"cubic" in origin. As evident in the renderings
"Load The Bow" & "Send The Arrow"
so too is Nature's Power Geometry of Golf!
Clearly, Cubic Vision gives us a "New Pair Of Eyes" and it is with broad appreciation that we cite Mr. Hogan & Artist Anthony Ravielli for its contribution to advance Golf, General Education & All Arts & Sciences.
To illustrate how a swing can perform within its Natural Cubic Home, DrDom offers a completely "New View" of the Hogan Swing in a "GOLF WINDOW" that can map any entity! Certainly, all great athletes in any sport could be introduced cubically.
-- However, not even a Babe Ruth, Hank Aaron, Gretsky, Federer, Mickey Wright or even Tiger Woods could be expected to perform with "cubic precision" on each and every swing attempt!
Nevertheless, Hogan's Cube offers Inherent Guidelines that apply to the hopes and dreams of all players, not to mention rewards we derive from advanced education in all Arts & Sciences.
As such, DrDom envisions a future for Player Improvement that shines brighter than ever with more good news to come as Cubic Vision widens to include formal applications in Chemistry, Micro-Biology, Medicine, Pathology, Earth Science,
Astro-Physics and all technologies as well.
(Below, Kindly See DrDom's Note To Researchers.)
Thank You For Reading & Welcome To The Discovery Of:
"As St. Andrews Is The Home Of Golf,
The 'Cube' Is Home Of The Swing!"
Note To Researchers.
While it is now evident that all entities in Nature may be viewed within a Universal &
Unified 3-D Power Matrix former "under-application" of this potential may be explained
by the fact, 3-D Laws of "Structure & Function" are generally "invisible" to the human eye!
Given that "Cubic Architecture" as found in golf escapes notice even as it relates directly to the Origin, Composition & Behavior of the human body, the finding of "Cubic Vision" expands options re: data now unexplained or even judged random by researchers. ...In short, by connecting the dots that mark the Structure & Movement of Entities, a Cubic Matrix is likely to emerge!
...Need I say, the implications of such General Hypothesis begs further study and may well confirm a Universal Law of "Cubic Spiral Progression" as current data would suggest!
As DrDom may assist in pursuing this study, feel free to use CONTACT PAGE -- 18th Hole.
-- Thank You.