**Golf Nucleus Research is pleased to share a new "Pope" Grip & Cinderella SHU Swing that serves as the Root Science For All Swings In All Aspects Of The Game. The reason is the new model simplifies movement and easily adapts as may be required for reliable Best Golf every day we go out to Practice & Play.
The Key To It All Is The New POPE GRIP & Cross-Connection Of The Shoulders & Hands That Guarantees The "Inside Line" For Square Impact Time & Time Again! Both have been a mystery in golf ever since inception of the game and now can be learned in minutes for a lifetime of quality play each day we go out to Practice & Enjoy The Great Game Of Golf!
All you need do is learn how "Cross-Connection "automates" to wind and drive the swing Square Thru Impact For Each & Every Shot You Make! -- It's "Simple" and even Kids & Adult Beginners catch on "FAST!"
In Short:
The Key To Ensuring Your Swing Is Always Unified As You Deal
With Various Slopes & Lies During The Course Of The Day
Is To Apply The New "M1 / M2" Swing Method
For Natural Action & Timing:
1. Decide Which Shoulder Should Start The Swing &
2. "Cross-Connect" Opposite Elbow to Initiate Takeaway!
(The Choice Is Yours)
Please Note
In the process, the Upper Body Moves As A "Ferris Wheel" while the Lower Body Automates as a "Carousel!"
As it Appears: With M-1 & 2 in hand "You Too" will be among Testimonials that flood our Offices every day!
In Preparation @ Address A "Trinity" Is Put In Place:
"G". New "Pope" Front Fingers Grip
"I". Invert Arms & Shoulders and
"A". Set Lead Foot "Anchor" For Forward Flow.
Given The Above: "1 Move Back" & "Pull Or Push" Thru is all you need to achieve "Parallel" down the line every time in both the Long & Short Game!
(See Ben Hogan: GOLF WINDOW)
The Hogan Waggle Represents The Hidden "Master-Mechanic" in the Backswing that performs "Shoulder-Hands-Elbow" as it initiates the swing "Under" on it's way up to Top Of Swing!
**Given This Trinity Waggle Mechanic "Under" Once SHE becomes your method of choice self-improvement takes on new meaning and you experience play that only gets "Better & Better!"
Some might say SHU is too simple! -- Actually, the new SHE Swing is the "Simplest On Earth" & that's a "Good Thing!"
In Short: SHU accurately defines the most efficient Grip & Motor System For High Quality Play --"Shot After Shot -- every time we go out to Practice & Enjoy the game! In fact, being a member of our Golf "FIX-IT" Club makes playing a better game so simple even the most humble among us can enjoy the game at new levels of achievement simply because the "SHE" works like a charm "ALL DAY LONG!"
"Join Us!" -- $20.00 Annually is all it takes to support Continuing Research and you'll receive Up-Dates on Methods & Eqiuipment to elevate the quality of your game moving forward.
In Addition: Part of your Membership Dues is anually donated to the Kiwanis Club to support the excellent work they do in helping children & familes. In Short: We Are "Here-2-Help" and blessed to be able to do so in golf and in all areas of life.
-- We All "Thank You" for Contributing Your Support.
-- Click Any Red Button -2-Join Us and/or Donate your generousity.
Beyond this players willingly praise the new SHE Swing and move on to enjoy consistent golf at more advanced levels of play!
In fact, only "TODAY" I received word from one of my long time students that left me flabbergasted and filled with enormous pride.
"Peter M." shot a "64" (8 Under Par) and has the Signatures on his ScoreCard To Prove It! -- In my life I did it "once" and only wish I could have been on the Course with Peter to see it again!
Needless to say, the Golf Nucleus Archery Swing is poised to take golf to new levels of excellence! ** Best of all, it takes only minutes to learn and does not require excessive practice to achieve a quality game that doesn't come and go.
In Short: The New "3x3" SHU Swing™ provides the mechanical where with all needed to produce every shot the game requires!
It's much like basic Arithmetic. Once you learn to Add, Subtract & Multiply you can Divide and move on to learn greater skills and achieve game excellence in no time!
All Golf Nucleus asks is that visitors and developing players join our Golf "FIX-iT Club" to help support ongoing swing research.
-- In A Word: We "Honor" Your Membership and want to share the good news about the SHE Swing with everyone in the game!
Please Know early research was reviewed favorably by Ben Hogan & Ken Venturi and a Letter from Mr. Hogan hangs in my Office stating his belief that Bi-Axis Swing Research would prove "Quite Successful".
**By the way, there is no marketing "hype" in Golf Nucleus Research and Clinical Facts always lead the way to best play!
...In this regard, history teaches us:
When the science is right it works for "Everyone!"
Thankyou For Joining Us & helping to advance research that ensures everyone in golf gets "Better & Better!"
**See Mr. Hogan In The GOLF WINDOW formulated during the period 1995- 2015 by yours truly. -- Kindly understand that break-throughs in Swing Science began in 1977 with the discovery of "SPOT" Putting and will continue long into the future!
"Best In Golf" & "Thankyou" for Joining Us!
...Dom Esposito
Founder: GolfNucleus.com & Archery "SHU" Swing™
And "YES" The New SHU Even Fits "Cinderella!"