The Golf Swing Radius is commonly viewed as residing in the Lead Hand-Arm-Shoulder. "However" research suggests this conception is deficient as it does not account for the Catalytic Role played by the Elbows In Unifying The Swing nor Detail The Lat Power "Switch" To Repeat The Swing For Best Play.
In this connection the "Radius Rod" Cross-Connects the Lead Hand & Back Lat For The Backswing & Then "Switches" To The Lead "Leg" & Back Palm For A Downswing That Repeats Square Thru Impact Time & Time Again!
Essentially, Coil-Release is effected by a simple "Switch" to complete the swing "On Track" time & again! This New Swing Science defines a simplification you can take to the Range For Testing.
**In Addition:
Research confirms that "not" moving the Elbows As "One Piece" tends to Prevents Natural Swing Flow & sets the stage for a wide variety of Swing Mistakes difficult to resolve as the swing proceeds. As such, it is common for players at every level in golf to suffer continuing struggle with Pushes, Pulls, Hooks, Slices and a myriad of mis-hits that reflect on Score Cards. Research suggests these typical issues may well associate with One Piece "Restrictions" preventing natural mechanics to work on our behalf right from the start!
To Help Solve These Typical Errors, the Hogan STOP ACTION Sequence is most instructive -- Especially: "Frames #2 & #5".
In Short:
Hogan's Takeaway "Scoops" the Club FACE DOWN indicating that the Hands, Wrists & Elbows have "Waggled" the club back! ...This deduction is reinforced by the Hogan Waggle as illustrated on pp 67-68 that keeps the club Square On Line "Under" reflecting Square Extension & "Ferris Flow" right from the start! ...As Such:
The Hands, Wrists & Elbows Simply Extend Parallel Back Face Down & "NOT" Toe Up, as is customary in traditional golf instruction. ----
It's important to note this unique Hogan Takeaway not only ensures Maximum "Width" but initiates the sequence of "4-45's" that repeat the Backswing Successfully.
This Champions Combo unlocks the door to Reliable Play Regardless of Age or Gender; yet is virtually impossible to detect as the club moves to Top Of Swing & further "Automates" Transition to the Parallel Inside Tract ("PIT") To Square Impact, Time & Again!
As is evident, scrutiny reveals a Takeaway Balance "STEP & SCOOP" followed by a Transition "SWITCH" to drive the Downswing Straight & Square Thru Impact!
Of course, Mr. Hogan's use of the "Step-Scoop & Switch" keeps the club Dynamically Square tells a simple but highly effective story: **If you want a Hogan like swing, rely on "Step-Scoop & Switch" and discover natural ease in all aspects of your game! -- In Short: Visit the
Range & Test The Power Within The New "E-Takeaway!" -- I regard the discovery of "E" as the Golfers "15th" Club & there is no Driver At "Any Price" That Can Equal In Reliability!
Of Enormous Importance, allow me to add another Special Point!
Direction Precision Simplifies when Hogan's Step & Scoop Takeaway Leads Parallel Back To Your Target Line! In Short: "Square Extension" of the Back Elbow works well!
This simple finding may be hard to believe but the "E" Scoop Parallel has much to offer alert players. ...The Rule Is Simple:
**To Be "On Line" at the end of swing, Use Both Elbows To "Scoop" Parallel Back At The Beginning!
Kindly Note:
This Principle easily explains Mr. Hogan's Remarkable Accuracy Hitting Fairways & Greens for "Precision Golf" day after day!
As An Aside: Mr. Hogan well knew:
"Knowledge" Is The Real Power In Golf & Deliberate Practice Is Needed To Hone Skills Worthy Of Championship Play!
As the Great Golden Bear Reminds:
Practice With A Purpose -- & That
Purpose Is Better Understanding of How The "Elbows" Works!
Looking Forward the Motor Trio Of "Step-Scoop-Switch" will likely initiate thought on the practical role Swing SCIENCE should play in Golf Instruction. The same can be said for the new "Lat" Principle! There can be little doubt "Science" -- when it's correct -- improves "all" human endeavors and why not Golf Instruction. To say the least, it pleases me greatly that Nucleus findings may one day help lead the way to Better Days In Golf For Everyone! As our friend Albert reminds: When Science Is "Correct" you can explain it to a 6-Year Old! **We At Golf Nucleus "Fully Agree!" ...DrDom
As I am fond of saying: Have Fun In Golf & Keep Your Swing Healthy!