Ben Hogan in the Five Lessons said:
Good Golf Begins With A Good Grip.
Research suggests that classic problems in golf relate to grips that are less than efficient. The “3x3” Front Fingers "Pistol" Grip goes a long way in modernizing grip language so that common problems vanish and players can more easily enjoy golf at more advanced levels.
The best news is that “3x3” is also natural to learn and helps players avoid maladies often associated with the game. Back Pain being most frequent. In fact, no matter how much time is devoted to practice and play, errors in grip construction become habitual and set limits on improvement far below potential that resides in all players. This is especially troublesome when we now have a simple “Pistol” Method to understand the grip and new players – both young and older– start off on the right foot on the very first day!
Here’s How-2-Get It Right:
Secure The Club With The Front Fingers of Each Hand
“Just Like Holding A Pistol!”
Players are suddenly surprised with how natural the grip feels and
how rapidly winning results accrue as Consistent Parallel Play Becomes Routine. In fact, research confirms classic problems tend to vanish virtually overnight when the new “3x3” PISTOL GRIP enters the swing equation!
In Short: When the “Front Fingers” Secure The Hands Parallel as one might hold a “Pistol” and good golf propels automatically.
Next visit to the Range test the new 3x3 Pistol Position and
“Expect To Be Surprised!”
It turns out the Front Fingers of the hands prove to be the Parallel “secret” in the Hands and secure the club quite naturally engaging muscle synergy needed for consistent good play!
Research Suggests The Most Frequent Cause Of Shanking
Is A Weak and/or “Incorrect” Lead Hand Grip That
Silently Rotates The Clubface “Open” In The Takeaway!
From the “Open Position” There Is Usually
“No Time” To Re-Square The Club For Proper Impact!
Hence: The Shank!
Test The PistolI Insight. The new “3x3” Grip operates just as it should with “Square Impact” the end result because the Index Fingers
Interrelate “Parallel Square” Time & Time Again!
To say the least, it took a while to figure out “3x3” Pistol Construction to have a correct grip right from the start.
But The Research Is Definitive:
The Front Fingers “Pistol” Position
Maximizes Muscle Synergy
That Extends Thru The Wrists, Arms & Shoulders.
Given this you're good to go in all aspects of golf and
likely to become an excellent player as
comfort, practice and experience accrue.
Needless to say, you can Grip “3x3” with any club and shoot like a pro when you come to appreciate this secret in
Grip Power Geometry!
( See Five Lessons, Chapter 1; DVD #1 & GOLF WINDOW)
Surely, we thank Mr. Hogan who told us the truth a long time ago.
and you can bet your last penny that he would be the 1st to welcome the new “3x3” Pistol Insight to the knowledge base that is sure to help learning golf become easier and more fun!
…As I am fond of saying:
When the science is right it works for everyone.
Let’s Call “3x3”: Principle “1”
Principle “2” Is Equally Important!
Principle #2:
It is noteworthy that as important as the Hands are to success in golf, using them exclusively will fly the ball “Off-Line” time and time again! – In Short: We Must Use The “Arms & Shoulders” To Help Guide Our Way For Consistent Best “On-Line” Results!
Principle #2 Is Also Quite Simple:
A. BackSwing: “Pistol Hands-2-Shoulder” Back
B. Forward Swing: “Shoulders-2-Pistol Hands” Thru.
Key Observation: Master Plane Secret In Golf
In Working As The “Swing Control Unit” The “3x3” Takeaway
( Ben Hogan’s “Hands-Arms-Shoulders”) Ensures The 45 Plane & Correct Position @ Top Of Swing!
Rotary Mechanics Involved Challenge The Notion Of A
“One Piece Takeaway” That – By Definition Would Tend To Restrict Natural Movement Of Body & Club.
Special Note: Research Suggests The Shoulder Joints Need “Not” Rotate On Short Chip Shots.
Now that we appreciate Grip Insight & Swing Rotation at a higher level of insight why not visit the Range and enjoy yourself as never before! The best news is that once you come to understand the “3x3” FEEL none of us will ever be the same in appreciating the true
Science Of The Swing.
As Research Confirms: The Archery “3x3” Pistol Grip Promotes Straight Shots LikeA “Bow & Arrow" Start-2-Finish!
This Motor Process Is Supported By The Discovery Of How Mr. Hogan’s Natural “45 Swing Plane” Repeats Time & Again via “Upper Arm Interaction” That Automatically Responds To “3x3” Grip Construction. In Short:
The Archery Method provides insights in understanding and explains why Mr. Hogan starts his Lessons in Capital Letters: GOOD GOLF BEGINS WITH A GOOD GRIP.
Once players gain correct Placement & Feel of the new "3x3" Pistol a smooth repeating swing quickly becomes second nature and elegantly simple to perform in all aspects of the game.
Please Note
As Mr. Hogan Suggests The Vardon
“Over-Lap” Grip Method Is Preferred.
As Reported:
New understanding of Grip Anatomy promises a new day in golf for everyone! Given this, handicaps are sure to drop noticeably within the immediate future & Golf Enjoyment Is Likely To Soar As Never Before!