Whether you are "Tall or Short"/ Man or Woman / Young or Old
When You Know The Combo To A Safe It's "E-Z" To Gain Entry.
Discovery of the Circle-2-Circle "2-Wheel Swing" Is A Boon To Golf even for a humble researcher such as myself who started in the game with the simple goal of finding enjoyment on a couple of weekends to recreate and keep myself "out of trouble" while getting some fresh air and exercise!
But it gets even "better" when you discover the "Short-Cut" provided by Natural Parallel Process! (See Ben Hogan GOLF WINDOW)
Parallel Process Gets the job done with a simple "Ferris-Carousel" Swing That Operates From The Shoulders Girdles & Lats that automates Rotation ("Side-2-Side") inclusive of the "Hips & Legs!"
But, as Mr. Hogan states in his magnificent Five Lessons:
"Golf Brings Out The Scientist" In A Person; and
given my background in research I took the bit like a "Secretariat" and have been learning and developing new ideas to advance the game for almost a half century.
The "2-Wheel" insight discussed here attributes to all the greats whose Parallel Process produces a Golf Swing to be admired! Not only does it solve the mystery of how the body performs at its best, but it can be learned in "Seconds" yielding Results That Repeat in both the Full Swing & Short-Game!
-- Bottom Line:
The Trevino "2-Wheel" Swing propels learning and improvment in golf to levels of excellence never before imagined; and in most cases, "Virtually Over-Night!"
In Addition: The New "Tickle-Grip" strengthens Power Leverage for Club Control and produces shots "Longer & Straighter" with no special training. (See Home Page)
My interest in the "2-Wheel" Swing stems from spending real time with "Ken Venturi" who found Bi-Axis Golf had "A lot Of Merit"; and Mr. Hogan (who was quite ill at the time) advised:
"Bi-Axis Golf" would prove "quite successful."
Incidentally, both of these "Icons" of the game were as kind and generous of their time as I could ever hope; and both encouraged the line of thinking I was pursuing in search of better understanding of the Sports Science in golf. In fact, as part of my continuing research, I got to meet Lee Trevino at the Meadowbrook Club after the Long Island Classic Senior event. Late in the day it was only Lee, Herman & Me on the Range watching Lee cool down before flying off to his next event. -- All inspiring and a privilege I'll never forget.
Incidentally, Mr. Trevino doesn't always hit a "Fade". He hits any shot he wants "On Call" and always "Circle-2-Circle" from the Shoulders, Lats, Hips & Legs joining in natural response. I've studied the greats and that's where the "2-Wheel" Swing was born. -- Needless say, I use it every day and -- as I see it -- the Circle-2-Circle "3-Swing" is part of the Champions Legacy to the game.
...In Short:
There's no Swing Principle More Accurate & It's a "Piece-A-Cake" to put in play!
In fact, players who aspire to advance in golf --Even To Tour Level-- will find the 2-Wheel "IT" Method can carry a long way on Any Tour you choose to play. Here Are The Basics:
"G" -- "Tickle_Grip".
"I" -- "Elbows Inversion.
"A" -- "Anchor" The Inside Lead Foot To Help "Automate" All The Rest.
Thank you for indulging as I ruminate among the memories of a Research Life well spent in Golf Sport Science. I hope my work continues to be of theoretical and practical benefit promoting more "Great Days" In Golf long after I depart.
I sure hope they've got some Great Courses up there because "if" I get there, I'll Caddie for "Anyone" who wants to get better at golf!
("Even You Know Who!") ...DrDom