At Golf Nucleus we believe golf is more than a game. It's a source of personal fulfillment. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new player we are dedicated to helping you discover the joy in playing "Good Golf" at more advanced levels. You'll benefit directly from our new research that helps every moment you Practice & Play!
Let's Start With The New "Mid-Finger" TICKLE GRIP That Holds The Club Parallel Square "Start-2-Finish!"
**Essentially, the Mid-Finger in each Hand grips square while the remaining Fingers complement the process accordingly.
**To establish Swing Muscle Synergy and move the swing effectively as a "One Piece Unit" we simply:
"G". Use The Mid-Finger In Each Hand To Grip Square;
"I". Fix-Joint & "Invert" the Elbows "Away"; and
"A". Anchor the swing via the Inside Lead Foot!
From this moment forward this "Trinity" Of Essentials ensure Parallel Square Flow Back & Through for every swing we make!
**Best Of All, Reliable Play & Lower Scores accrue for a game worthy of Single Digit Players!
Study suggests Great Players take the Golf Trinity for granted not noticing the "Muscle Synergy" that ensures the essential "Root Square" within the Hands, Arms & Shoulders that unites the Swing for Consistent Winning Performance! Once understood Golf Trinity can be learned in seconds and put in play on the 1st Day learning golf!
**Mr. Hogan said in the Lessons: GOOD GOLF BEGINS WITH A GOOD GRIP.
But Not Said is that part of the Secret-4-Good Golf Is That The "Mid-Finger" of each hand when combined with the Elbows "Inverted" Secures the "Synergy" Needed -4- Championship Play! ...Given this new insight, Research Confirms Good Golf "Automates" For All 18 Holes whenever we Practice & Play!
As it appear the Grip not only sets the "Swing Control Center" for Best Play but reveals the Biggest Secret in golf: The Arms must be "Inverted" To Ensure They Remain "In Front" of the body & Along The "Inside Line" Thru Impact & Follow-Thru! No doubt Arms Inversion ("AI") will become Standard as the future unfolds. Take Golf Nucleus to the Range for rigorous testing. Research confirms quality shots in all aspects of the game inclusive of Putting to ensure a path to "Excel" in golf as never before possible! -- **GolfNucleus -- The Place To Go When You Want To Know "HOW" To Fix Your Swing! **In Short: Visit the Range & Test "FBI" & See ability to Excel In Golf "Propel" faster than you might think! ...DrDom