Q: Should The Back Shoulder Joint be "Neutral, Open, Close" during the swing?
A: Depends on the "Shot" you want to play!
The Iconic "Rosie The Riveter" not only set the stage for the role of Women In WW-2, but now defines the Back Options Key ("OK") in propelling golfers to the Next Level in Repeating Solid Swing Results!
Surely, one of the most important variables in golf is the Back Upper Arm-Shoulder! Yet, you'll find "little" in Golf regarding how the Joint relates to performance. Even today "little" appears on the subject and most players are "Totally Unaware" of how it can be used to Regulate Ball Flight that's Predictable when correct info enters your Swing Equation!
Here are some simple Rosie Rules on which you can rely.
"Open"..... Hits "Hi".
"Closed"... Hits "Lo".
Q: Can the Back Shoulder Joint be pre-set "Neutral" for both Power & Ball Flight Control?
A. "YES!" Pre-Set "NOC" as you wish for the shot at hand.
Q: Does it make a difference if Ball Position is "Forward or Back" in the Stance?
A: "YES!" and also depends on the "Shot" you intend to play.
**Ball More Forward: "High Shot"
**Ball More Back: "Low Shot"
Q. Is "One Way or The Other" preferred for best play?
A. "YES!" -- In both the Full & Short Swing it all depends on the Shot you want to play!
**Obviously, Rosie has a lot to offer and suggests you get to the Range & "TEST" all that can be done to enhance your Personal Development in golf! Although historically over-looked in golf, the role of Back Upper Arm-Shoulder is "VITAL" to enhance confidence on "Every Shot" needed to produce the best we can be on the Course!
"Also" -- That Rosie "facts" are absent as a Key Swing Regulator is testament to the "youth" of golf in Swing Science!
In Short: The Powers That Be Should Invite Rosie to Conduct Clinics & provide material such as offered above to propel Growth In Golf For "Everyone!"
**If you want to win in golf:
Get To Know Rosie! She could easily become a part of your game!
As I Am Fond Of Saying: Have Fun In Golf & Keep Your Swing Healthy! ...DrDom